I have spent most of my life being what I call a space planner, in other words I design creative spaces that in theory should inspire others in some way. I am also a serial entrepreneur whose ideas and spaces are often transformed into real world or brick and mortar businesses. I have been doing this for years now, always with a spiritual component since some of the spaces I create are ethereal. Seems life’s best lessons come to me when I really pay attention.

I believe we all need to find a meaningful ritual in our lives to keep us on track. I believe anxiety can be a superpower. I read once that there is a billion miles of unexplored wilderness between our heads and our feet. I know that our “thinking brain” is not useful, yet we have such a great attachment to it. We will never think ourselves into clarity. There comes a time, a moment when you say, ‘I am out of here” and then you realize the only way out is in!
Why is it we are so afraid to go in and discover who we really are? There is a reason Ram Dass practiced ‘be here now’, as do so many spiritual teachers. But how can we be here now when we constantly live in the past or future? We have a great story for every experience we have ever had, and it is often that narrative (story) to the experience that gives it the stressful energy. What if we change the story? How would the experience be then?
The journey to enlightenment is a struggle against our very nature. Our nature or ego houses the stress that says I do not want this moment like this. The stress arises in the gap of what is and what your mind says it should be. This attachment is why Buddha says all of life is suffering and the cause of suffering is craving.
We do not evolve from comfort zones. We evolve when we are finally able to see our past, free ourselves of attachments and all the stories that no longer serve us.
We are inspired in a gratifying way when we are no longer attached to the idea of who we think we are or who we think the world thinks we are. We then have complete freedom and a peaceful emptiness that allows us to be filled with all possibilities.
And therein lies the meaning of life…..‘make peace with yourself then help others’ .
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